John Zasoba, Sr

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    John Zasoba, Sr (30 June 1852 - 31 March 1933). Place of birth is unknown, possibly Poland. Married Amelia Neitsch in 18781, exact location is unknown. Immigrated with family to America in 1904, from Przasnysz, Poland2 or Saint Petersburg, Russia3 (both unconfirmed). Lived in Curtiss (Clark County, Wisconsin) where he had shoe repairing shop4. Buried in Pine Hill Cemetery (Mayville Township, Clark County, Wisconsin).

    J1 family tree and places of residence.

    1. 1910 U.S. Federal Census.
    2. Philadelphia Passenger List, July 27, 1904.
    3. The Marshfield News - Herald, February 4, 1966.
    4. Curtiss 75th Anniversary Celebration, 1957.

Образован 1 января 2007 года. Все права защищены.
Established January 1, 2007. All rights reserved.
Заснований 1 сiчня 2007 року. Всi права захищенi.