Люксембург / Luxembourg

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    С 1935 по 1950 в Люксембург Засоба не приезжали (по крайней мере легально).
    Responding to your e-mail adressed to National Archives on May 30, I regret to inform you that I coudn't find any person named Zasoba who immigrated legally to Luxembourg between 1935 and 1950. Nevertheless it is not impossible that this person came to Luxembourg (illegally) without any arrival declaration to the Luxembourg authorities. Unfortunately, in that case, we can't find any trace of his stay in Luxembourg, if we don't know where ( in which locality) he was living. With kind regards from (Conservator).

Образован 1 января 2007 года. Все права защищены.
Established January 1, 2007. All rights reserved.
Заснований 1 сiчня 2007 року. Всi права захищенi.